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Longing for a Winter Wonderland? Multi-Room Music Can Help

Here’s How Home Audio Video Makes Holidays Memorable

Longing for a Winter Wonderland? Multi-Room Music Can Help

The average temperature in Scottsdale, AZ during the month of December is between 65 and 69 degrees.

In other words, it’s not exactly a snowy paradise.

But if you love the holiday season, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a lot that this time of year has to offer. 

What’s the easiest way to get into the spirit? With the right music, of course.

In this blog, we’ll explore how you can use your home audio video system to turn your property into the ultimate winter wonderland. Interested? Go ahead and keep reading.

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Stream Your Favorite Music

Nothing says “It’s the holidays” like the right music.

In fact, you’ve probably been hearing Christmas carols every time you go to Starbucks since the day after Halloween.

So why not enjoy the sounds of the season in the comfort of your own home?

With a multi-room music system, you can easily and quickly stream just about any song you want.

All it takes is your tablet or smartphone.

Just select a playlist, either from your own digital collection or from thousands of available tracks on a streaming service like Spotify or Tidal. After that, just sit back and enjoy.

More Sound, Less Clutter

Just about everyone loves music.

But there are plenty of people who hate the idea of AV gear cluttering up each of their rooms.

So what’s the solution? Just get used to the silence? Suffer a room full of AV components?

Why not store everything neatly in an unused closet or basement? When you have a multi-room music system, you can control everything remotely.

There are plenty of options for hiding your AV gear throughout your home. You can enjoy discreet bookshelf speakers or hide the entire thing within the walls with recessed devices.

And accessing your extensive library of music is easy. It just takes a few swipes on your touch-panel control device.

Separate Rooms, Separate Playlists

Of course, some people just hate the idea of holiday music altogether.

If you have a Grinch in your life, all is not lost.

With an expertly installed multi-room music system, you can control the playlist in each room separately. 

That means you can enjoy your holiday cheer in the media room, while your significant other listens to their tracks in the den.

Are you ready to enjoy the holidays even more by upgrading your home audio video with a multi-room music system? We’re here to help!

To get started with a free, easy and fun consultation, all you have to do is click here.

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